Wrandy Little 01902991

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Wrandy Little's Introduction

Here are some pointers that I would like my new friend in life matter to have about me. I am 6ft 4in tall and I like to work out, but that doesn't mean you have to. It's just with all that's been happening these days, only the strong seem to be able to make it through these 2020's. That's not just physically but mentally too. With that being said, my whole time has been about build up, instead of letting this get me down. Then the way I was raised up, every day is a new one to right my worse, so if you give me that chance... no telling where this will take us. If you need more just ask, that's if you have the time and a forgiving heart. That's all I can ask for at this time and moment. Yours truly

Personal data

  • Date of birth: 1977-08-28
  • Marital status: single
  • Ethnicity: mixed
  • Sexual orientation: heterosexual
  • Gender: male
  • Hometown: Galveston, TX
  • Expired Profile