Jeremy Craft 01626852

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Jeremy Craft's Introduction

I live with the fact that I may die in this place (or slowly continue to lose the bit of sanity that I have left,) and I don't wanna continue being alone. I don't wanna continue traveling on this long, lonely complicated journey alone. I reach out to that one individual who know what it's like to feel unloved, unwanted, unworthy and misunderstood. Someone who values commitment and friendship and who is honest, caring, understanding and compassionate. I believe our journey in life was never intended (nor promised) to be easy. Sometimes as we go along in life, we'll encounter difficult trials and uncertainties. But as we go along, we'll soon discover that there are some things (and choices) that we simply can't make alone. That's when we realize that we need a strong shoulder to lean on and a trusted hand to hold. I don't have much to offer (nor am I the sexiest) but, I'm more than willing to give my heart, my mind and my time for a small portion of yours. (No strings attached!) I'm also hoping you'll take a blind leap of faith on me by giving me a chance to give you another reason to laugh again... to love again... to believe again. I wanna encourage you and inspire you to reach your full potential. I wanna stimulate your mind, body and spirit with my words. I wanna help you discover things about yourself that you didn't know existed. I also wanna be a beacon of light in your life when you need someone to talk to, lean on and believe in. Walk beside me on this journey! Invest a bit of your time in me! Give me another reason to laugh... to love and to believe. Be my source of hope...

Personal data

  • Date of birth: 1987-01-20
  • Marital status: single
  • Ethnicity: african-american
  • Sexual orientation: heterosexual
  • Gender: male
  • Hometown: Ft. Worth, TX
  • Expired Profile