Shaun Foster 6774596

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Shaun Foster's Introduction

Hello World! My name is Shawn and I would like to start by saying thank you for taking time out of your day to stop and look at my profile. First thing I would like to say is I am very open and accepting of ALL pen pals, mostly because I'm a people person and very down to earth. Also I always have a smile on my face and see the best in people and people seem to always come to me with their problems because I am very honest. Some more things about me, I love sports, reading, laughing, cars, poker, family, and traveling. Before prison I have been to 22 states but never out of the states which I would like to do once I have done my time which is less than 15 months. If there is more you would like to know about me please don't be shy just ask. I am a nice guy and you never know you just might get it right 'haha'. Enough about me I want to know about you, I don't care about race, color or your background nobody is perfect. My big thing is honesty, having a good heart, all the other things hopefully will fall into place. I look forward to hearing from you soon, please don't be shy, it's ok. Last thing if it's better to write on corrlinks you can there or whatever works best for you go for it. Can't wait to start great conversations...

Personal data

  • Date of birth: 1983-08-09
  • Marital status: single
  • Ethnicity: african-american
  • Sexual orientation: heterosexual
  • Gender: male
  • Hometown: Omaha
  • Expired Profile