Alpha Follis 02273188

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Alpha Follis's Introduction

Hello, My name is Alpha, yes it is my real birth name. I am a big Nerd, I enjoy role playing games, I enjoy playing console games, I like to cosplay and go to renaissance fairs . I like to be affectionate everywhere and anywhere I get a chance. I am looking for a lady willing to deal with my lapse in judgment, minor shortcomings and my poor judgment skills. I promise to stop listening to my 'brain in my pants' and the voices in my head. Like my favorite cartoon vixen says “ I'm not bad, I am just drawn that way”. I have a strange sense of humor and I believe in my own beliefs. I am open to talking about anything except politics. Always goes crazy. Any questions, feel free to write me and ask. Thank you for taking the time to read this profile, please have a pleasant day.

Personal data

  • Date of birth: 1983-07-01
  • Marital status: single
  • Ethnicity: caucasian
  • Sexual orientation: heterosexual
  • Gender: male
  • Hometown:
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