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Its crazy to me how you could be a stranger, or you could meet a stranger and just maybe, find a friend! :-) I apologize for the light hearted words above but allow me to properly introduce myself. The name at birth is Reginald Campbell but to family and friends I go by Reggie. There's a stigma about men, but I would like to say we're all different in our own little way. I love to do or be adventurous, conservative, consistent, and a family man. The main goal in my life as a man is to be a better me, mentally grow stronger, learn as much as I can, and strive for better then what I previously knew prior to my incarceration. Now as for what kind of type of women that attract my attention are honest women, self sufficient, confident, goal driven, family oriented, and strong women with a sense of direction in life pertaining to her future. As for me with each waking day I think of what will and what will be. What will you be like? How will you accept my essence? Though I walked in a history of destruction, my path is 1 towards construction. Many will help as well as hender. For my for focus will be to exceed liberation. I may stumble over debris in my haste, though I pray there is a hand to uplift me. Will you mend my wounds! If you're reading this, Thank you for taking the time out your day to read what has come from my what people know as my "BIG HEART!" I understand something about the heart from experience, it maybe on your left, but its always right! Wink! I just hope and pray I've caught enough of your attention to make you wanna see what this stranger has to offer. There's no such thing as a perfect man, but there is 1 that's perfect for you! Waiting on you.....