Hello! My name is D and I'm a big guy at 6'7" 250 pounds. I'm looking for a friend. My best friend in the whole world died recently and I'm lost. I'm in search of a responsible, kind hearted, loyal and trustworthy friend to help me fill the loneliness I fell since my wife passed away. I miss that good feeling of having someone to share our everyday lives with. A true friend is not easy to come by, but hopefully this ad will lead me to you. I'm not a bum who is looking for a handout, I'm just on empty and in need of someone to fill my emptiness. If this ad has you feeling like "maybe I'll give this guy a try," then come on! Let's go! I'm anxious to hear from you. You can contact me through "GTL - GettingOut" mobile app or by snail mail. And just so you know, Yo hablo español. -Paul D. Brown