Thomas Harris 74370-509
Mailing address

Thomas Harris #74370-509
FCC Coleman Low
P.O. Box 1031
Coleman, FL 33521

When you send a letter or email make sure you leave a return address or you may not receive a response

Thomas Harris's Introduction

Tommy is looking for friends and new healthy relationships. He has a good bit of time to go before release and would like to build a healthy network of people whom enjoy intelligent, stimulating and positive conversation. Prior to his incarceration, he worked for a dealership as a service advisor and was in the automotive industry for 18 years. He loves music and dancing, cars, motorcycles and being on the water or in the woods. Inside he helps guys with legal work and has been a GED Tutor in the prisons education department. He is very candid and in such wants to let you know that he is in prison for an internet sex offense. If you're able to get past that, know he will treat everyone as he wants to be treated. Respectfully, and honestly. He hopes to hear from you!!!

Personal data

  • Date of birth: 1980-02-19
  • Marital status: single
  • Ethnicity: caucasian
  • Sexual orientation: heterosexual
  • Gender: male
  • Hometown: Lehigh acres
  • Profile Active Until: Feb 15, 2026