Nickalos Taylor #266114
970 Pickett St. North
Bayport, MN 55003
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Hey, my name is Nick. I like working on cars, working out, cooking, music, and cuddling. I got my high school diploma, and I'm working on getting into college. I am 6'1" in height, no kids. Weigh 205 pounds, black hair, brown eyes, 20 years old. Release date: 9/2/25. I'm looking for a long-term relationship, someone I can be with and make my wife. I am a positive soul; I come home on 9/2/25. I love doing a power couple of things. I like trying new things I want to start a family and start my own business like an auto shop or something to do with auto mechanics. Thank you for looking at my profile, hope to find the right one. Sincerely Nickalos T.