Sohiel Kabir 64052112
Mailing address

Sohiel Kabir #64052112
Coleman USP 1
846 NE 54th Terrace
Coleman, FL 33521

When you send a letter or email make sure you leave a return address or you may not receive a response

Sohiel Kabir's Introduction

I was born in Afghanistan and raised in sunny California. I am from a big family and hope to be with them again. I'm looking for female penpal to communicate and have positive friendly conversations. Just warning you that I have a unique sense of humor.

Personal data

  • Date of birth: 1977-12-18
  • Marital status: single
  • Ethnicity: other
  • Sexual orientation: heterosexual
  • Gender: male
  • Hometown: Diamond Bar, California
  • Profile Active Until: Feb 16, 2026