Sun Bear Raven 11864528

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Sun Bear Raven's Introduction

Hi, my name is Sun Bear, I'm seeking stability and long term companionship with an attractive, accomplished and established woman that possesses the courage to be honest and compassionate. I'm hoping to find a true connection with my best friend so that we can start building a lifelong bond with each other. To me, the fundamentals of any successful relationship are honesty, trust and respect. I am willing to be honest, I'm still capable of trust, and I've had enough experience to to respect all aspects of life. I would enjoy the opportunity to share my experiences and encouragement with a woman that is willing to do the same. If you are interested, you can E-mail me via accesscorrections.com, text me via tellmate.com/gettingout, or write me directly using information provided. Good luck finding what you're looking for. I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon. Cheers!! P.S. These pictures are from 2019. Please include current pictures of yourself! -Thanks-

Personal data

  • Date of birth: 1977-03-21
  • Marital status: single
  • Ethnicity: caucasian
  • Sexual orientation: heterosexual
  • Gender: male
  • Hometown: Portland, Or
  • Expired Profile